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About Indonesia Photo Workshops

Culture Tours Indonesia

Our Story

Indonesia Photo Workshops was founded in 2015 by Phillip and Engelina Bartlett. Specializing in premium photo workshops and tours, our vision was to provide passionate photographers with unrivalled photography experiences in Indonesia. Originally from New Zealand, Phillip is a dedicated nature and wildlife photographer, workshop instructor, and expedition leader. His journey in Indonesia began in 1992, the same year he first met Engelina and her family. Engelina, a descendant of the Royal Kingdom of Surakarta in Central Java with a background in teaching and counseling, brought her creative expertise and invaluable insights to the development of the workshop programs.

From the beginning, our goal in designing photography itineraries has been to offer original and innovative programs. We specialize in trips which deliver immersive and unique photography encounters. Many of our guests return multiple times, their enduring affection for Indonesia a testament to the experiences we envisioned providing from the start.

Being based in Indonesia has allowed us to build a network of strong local relationships. We are particularly proud of our team of expert jungle guides spanning from Sumatra to Papua. Their extensive knowledge, skill, and passion are indispensable in our quest to photograph wildlife, even in challenging conditions. Our long-established partnerships with hospitable and reputable accommodation and transportation providers ensures a seamless, high-quality experience for every participant.

In addition to our most popular workshops, we continually introduce new opportunities for photographers keen to delve deeper into this captivating archipelago.


What to expect with Indonesia Photo Workshops:


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